Effects of Democratic Practices Using The Digital Approach for Residents With Local Government
The right to speak freely, without restraint, is essential to democratic government, it helps us to develop better laws and policies through challenge, confutation, and debate.
2 years ago
- - Right to Speak Freely
- - Accessible Conversations
- - Influence a Resident Can Make
- - Increased Participation
- - Council Ratings Platform
Right to Speak Freely
The right to speak freely, without restraint, is essential to democratic government, it helps us to develop better laws and policies through challenge, confutation, and debate. Free speech is a cornerstone of democratic societies, with busy lives and less time to communicate in society, residents face the need for digitalized platforms to communicate with local governments, this approach allows councils to hear from a wider group of residents, and reach a larger audience.
Enabling residents to make an impact on the process the council makes decisions is an undeniable benefit to a democratic local government. Residents prioritize the involvement feeling in decisions local councils make more than ever after the pandemic hit the world.
Accessible Conversations
More accessible conversations for residents who cannot attend in-person meetings, overall, no person being able to attend in the Covid period made all local government more aware of the technological advancement required for serving the residents better, making them more participant, involved and informed. The use of information and communication technology in political and governance processes incorporates with residents of the 21st century to promote democracy by allowing all adult residents to participate equally in proposition, development and policy making.
Residents have the tools to exchange information, involve in public argumentation is the empowerment of the public voice for policy making. Local governments actively engaging in technology can lead them to be more evident in people’s eyes who are encouraged to participate in elections. The local government being proactive online will benefit residents by distributing the power more evenly among society.
Influence a Resident Can Make
The influence a resident can make is irrespective of residents’ income, education, gender, age, religion, race and language, mental and physical ability. Sense of inclusion can be improved using a communication tool for engagement by the public using online platforms and this can hugely impact the society for policy choices, communications with local councils, and further influence the elections for the nomination of representatives of the public in the parliament.
Individuals continued to raise voices of their opinions during the pandemic using online platforms, created exposure for social movements in the public and intend to foster change by raising awareness through democracy. Conventional democracy practices are limited and constrained, collaborative platforms allow engagement between the public, and the government has gained more attention than ever. The flexibility that technology provides can lead to a more inclusive public through societal change.
Council Ratings provides all the tools for the community to engage with their local governments allowing them to get involved in discussions, petitions, surveys and reports. The councils are expected to respond to their people and actively demonstrate the relationship between engagement with residents and policy outcomes, the local governments who are signed up to Council Ratings have all tools in one platform to engage & interact with their residents.
Increased Participation
Increased participation by the public will allow councils on the platform to have data analytic insights into the performance of different departments where improvements need to be underlined. Council ratings empower residents and individuals in their communities to create impact, gain a sense of inclusion and help councils to focus on key issues the community wants to be addressed.
The high level of reach of content in Council Ratings not only differs from any other platform but also makes it reach the relevant audience for the residents of each local government, by verified residency to interact with the corresponding local government. It is an attractive medium providing an equal frame of engagement for all the councils in the UK with their residents on all aspects of community issues.
Council Ratings Platform
Council Ratings is the only platform developed with ethical design and state-of-the-art technology, free to use for all residents to make their voices heard. We are calling out to all councils to make their membership active to contribute to a fairly distributed democracy in our society by hearing the residents and their opinions with a cost-effective standard option.
The ultimate power is held by people in democracies and local governments need more efficient ways to connect with their residents, using Council Ratings will allow the residents to have their power of voice expressed in a platform with no limitations compared to traditional methods.