council ratings
Adur District & Worthing Borough

Adur District & Worthing Borough


Registered Residents



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Report an incident for Adur District & Worthing Borough Council

Please login or register to report incidents in Adur District & Worthing Borough Council

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Select Departments

Please select the most relevant department for your report, this will allow your report to get assigned correctly for the relevant department creating more awareness towards the information you provide.

Benefits & Support

Bin, Waste & Recycling

Births, Marriages & Deaths

Business & Commercial

Children, Young People & Families

Community Safety & Crime

Council Tax

Elections & Voting

Environmental Problems

Health & Social Care


Licences & Permissions


Parking & Transport

Parks, Sport & Leisure

Planning & Building Control

Roads & Pavements

Schools & Education

Please login or register to report incidents in Adur District & Worthing Borough Council

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