council ratings

Discussion #93


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Councils must provide charging points in every residential street to encourage the drive of electric vehicles.

Living in London one of the most advantageous driving schemes is using electric vehicles, my company would like to offer support for all employees to switch to Electric vehicles, but I see no council taking the necessary steps to make this possible for most of us, renters, and people with no access to their own off-road parking is the most affected group.

Although the government launches schemes for EV Charging points to be installed at houses, there should be more done by our local councils. They have access to funding and support of people, but I see no charging point in Barking installed by the council at all, besides that it should not be a hassle to drive an electric vehicle and not being able to charge would put you off. This is the dilemma that we all go through, and I am confident in a national scale this should be discussed and more people should be joining with their opinions to make the future a better place to live.

As a developing country we expect these changes to be more imminent but having observed for the last 3 years I see nothing being changed, EV charging points are mainly accessible by people who have the financial ability to buy a house with off-road parking, landlords do not even care of their renters need access to EV charging points and they must be obligated to provide one as their contribution to a greener environment. We all have to do our part and I believe the first ones on the top of the list are the councils and the landlords.

At the moment we can only make a suggestion to the council for EV Points and that doesn’t resolve the problem if Electric vehicles will be the future of transport in London and all major cities and whole of the UK then our councils must have been more prepared, and we should not have experienced these issues.

Councils need to focus their strategy on providing public charge points where they are most needed and according to my observation the most affected group is people who do not have access to off-street parking to charge at home. Charging at the shopping centres is not a solution as suggested by some officials, and it is more expensive, additionally, we should not be forced to go shopping with our valuable time to charge our vehicles.

Businesses try doing their best to be environmentally friendly, and target to reduce all vehicle usage where possible but we still have to do some journeys for deliveries and some work that needs to be done for vulnerable people in hospitals, care homes, schools and other institutions. There is already range anxiety in rural areas and while we are in the city, how come we have no EV chargers within 0.5 miles radius of where we work or neither live?



Zoe Dean

Resident of Hart District Council

2 years ago

We live in Hart District Council and have a similar issue of not having access to the EV Charging points sufficiently displayed in the area. Our workplace is in an industrial estate which is owned by a private company and yet they will display EV Chargers for commuters to use, it seems that those promised will never be installed.

We contacted the council several times asking for help, however, the cost is not covered by any incentive nor with grants when the property or the street is owned by a private individual or company.

The government needs to push landlords and commercial property owners to provide access to EV Charging points. Providing access to EV Chargers only at council-owned properties and car parks is not enough to fight climate change. Praising and talking about being carbon neutral all the time by not incentivising the installation of enough EV Chargers to make it easily accessible is only an eyewash for the public.

My opinion is all councils should be given enough funding to offer access to chargers in more streets, and open to public places and they must contribute to the strategy of installing in privately owned industrial estates.

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