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Rating #131


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Help available to residents at first Cost of Living Summit

I have been very pleased with the warm rooms scheme and cost of living roadshow presented for the benefit of the residents by our mayor Andy Abrahams at the summit. Council is on the front foot with the financial crisis we all face at the moment. They also announced additional funding that will be available to help the most vulnerable to formulate actions. the warm rooms scheme is a network of warm spaces open to residents struggling to heat their homes in the colder months.

In the roadshow council officers in the district will be signposting residents to where they can access the support and advice they need. I truly thank the council for taking the leadership position to help us all to get through these difficult times. They try to make the services truly accessible to all. Trying to build back the resilience people had and asking all possible collaborative parties to come together to achieve this. I believe this is one of the best districts to live in the UK as we feel unforgotten in the crisis.


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