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Rating #96


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Community Safety & Crime - Neighborhood Community Safety & Crime and 1 more

Irresponsible and negligent council failing to protect residents from harm!

I live in Thetford Road in Dagenham as a resident for since 1989, we had a new neighbour moved into the street around 4 years ago and despite knowing nothing about each another, he started bullied, several times trespassing into my property externally and inside, stolen my personal belongings, have damaged the property. When I tried to solve the problem informally with him, he does patronising and with the smirking on the face, physiologically and psychologically treating me in a horrible way leading to harassment and violence.

When council has been informed about this anti-social behaviour to prevent it escalating they basically have done NOTHING! Then I spoke to the police officers, as it seems they have done nothing as well.

If we live in this council and have been reporting this sort of anti-social behaviour, there should have been some action by the council to keep the peace on our residential street.

As a victim of crime and harassment from this particular neighbour that has been reported to the council and the police I had no resolution neither a mediation offered, nor anything further.

This is an issue I would expect crime stoppers team to consider as a priority and unfortunately being left alone on this case as a victim of crime is the most worrying situation.

What else is needed to be reported to our council for them to act for Anti-Social Behaviour.

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