More homes and jobs under the new Local Plan for Greater Cambridge will create economic boost!
The need for more homes and jobs In Cambridge has risen as previously envisaged due to the success of the economy and the expected increase in job numbers. This was a forecast from the latest..
Logan Ray
Resident of Cambridge City Council
2 years ago
More homes and jobs under the new Local Plan for Greater Cambridge will create economic boost!
The need for more homes and jobs In Cambridge has risen as previously envisaged due to the success of the economy and the expected increase in job numbers. This was a forecast from the latest economic data analysis from planners pointing to a likely increase of around 66,000 jobs across the Greater Cambridge area by 2041. This is a huge number and means development in our borough, these additional new jobs, with figures more than previously expected, result in a need to also plan for additional homes, over and above the earlier plans of the council. I find this news fascinating and it increases the hope I have for the future of Cambridge. Good work.