Tackling homelessness in Maidstone by partnering with technology firms
The council have been involved in an innovative project to reduce the rough sleepers in the borough and help people who can't pay their rent in local authority housing, it is great to see the council..
Susanna Wagner
Resident of Maidstone Borough Council
2 years ago
Tackling homelessness in Maidstone by partnering with technology firms
The council have been involved in an innovative project to reduce the rough sleepers in the borough and help people who can't pay their rent in local authority housing, it is great to see the council preferred using technology to empower the most disadvantaged people in our society, by giving them an online support network and all the tools they need to accelerate their journey into stable work and housing.
The platform Beam, local employers, residents, charities and people who want to help gather together to boost the help and support available for rough homeless street sleepers and families to tackle poverty. More projects like this will allow us to see a brighter future.