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Council Tax - Housing

Council tax HMO's Estate Agents . Not fit for purpose

Please find below the complaint made against Pygott & Crone Boston. TPO.
The MHCLG and Angela Rayner, and Richard Tice MP Boston.

We have yet again tried to sell the property and also rent it out.
The problem with Boston is that the market participants are not fit for purpose the estate agents, HMO 's manipulate the price of properties down for the HMO and the rental costs exorbitant to say the least.
The Boston property owners & the renters are being ripped off by businesses that operate within BBC.

BBC are charging us £3,339 annually for a property that is now priced at £170,000
We are on state pensions which we have informed you of and you have details!
We do not use any of the council services but pay this extortionate rate.
We are being penalised for not being able to sell or rent the property.

Does BBC think that is fair & just?
Are you happy as a council for the people that pay to keep BBC in work, pay towards your pensions etc to be insulted robbed of their pensions etc and not legally be protected?

To P & C & TPO

"We are making a formal complaint to you as we believe that Pygott & Crone are in breach of our contract.

From Feb to end of April 2024 Davis has acknowledged that

a. An erroneous SOLD sign was in place outside of our property. Which mislead local potential buyers in to believing a sale was completed.

b. A FOR SALE sign was not erected outside of our property during this period, in breach of point 3 of our signed contract. Once again passing potential buyers were not made aware of our property's availability for sale. Indeed neighbours in Tower Road believed that it had been sold.

C. In breach of point 6 of our contract ,we were not informed by you, either via email, letter or verbally that a potential buyer (an HMO) had shown interest and made an offer. We were informed verbally by Davis Gurton and in your presence when we visited your offices on 11 April to terminate our agreement .

d. Your agents Holly and Joe conducted viewings at the property during this period but failed to notify and rectify the presence of an erroneous SOLD sign and the absence of a FOR SALE sign for 3 months +. This is negligence, dishonesty & deception by P & C.

It is our reasonable opinion that your marketing and sales service only benefited the potential HMO buyer by restricting any potential other buyers and working to achieve the lower price desired by that HMO buyer.

We entered into a contract with Pygott & Crone for you to fully market the property and work in our interest as the seller. This contract has not been honoured.

On the 11th April 2024, when we both came to speak with Mr Gurton at your Boston office he admitted that an interested party ,an HMO buyer , had said the "figures did not stack up" for him at the price as advertised.

Pygott & Crone have failed to address the failure of the service that we signed up to in there contract as stated above.
Mr Brooks & Mr Scrupps have both made feeble excuses about "honest mistakes", these lasted for 3 months as the for Sale sign was not re-erected at the property.

We live in France, but they did not take account of a neighbour who informed us that the " for sale sign was taken down, and not reinstated.
P & C had a buy to let client that we did not know about that they were working to get the property at a discounted price.

We only heard about this in April on visiting the agency.

P & C have contracts with property sellers but clearly work solely with there long term HMO clients to get them properties at a price the HMO wants to pay. Repeat business is good with there buying partners, we as sellers are one off clients. The individual HMO'S in Boston have hundreds of properties each. The estate agency business is not fit for purpose in the modern landscape, where they secretly work with there long term repeat corporate business partners without any transparency or trust among private sellers.

We have the product the seller the money. There is a total lack of any transparency in the way P & C manage the sale processes and procedures and the methods they use.
They actually lie/withhold info to the private seller, to get the sale/price for there corporate buyers.
In effect this is not an open transparent market for private sellers.
There is no trust in this agencies methods and practices in the supposed open market place.

Perhaps your £300 bill for professional services should go to this person, as in our reasonable opinion you were working more in his interest, by erroneously mis sign boarding and misleading other possible buyers andb consistently attempting to drive the price down. It

Mr Dalgleish


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