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Report #135


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Bin, Waste & Recycling - Business & Commercial and 1 more

Fly Tipping, lighting and illegitimate dealings in Kingsbridge Road, Abbey Wharf Industrial Estate ongoing for a long time has reached serious levels!

I am working in a private company located in Abbey Wharf Industrial Estate, the main entrance is through Kingsbridge Road which is a public road under the responsibility of the London borough of Barking & Dagenham. I have seen many times, broken appliances, mattresses and furniture thrown out on the sides of the road not only causing damage to the eye but also obstacles to the pedestrians walking on this road. This is occurring every single day and having discussions in the workplace many of my colleagues have complained to the council including the business owners in the estate who pays an extreme amount of business rates, the complaints have not been taken seriously at all, since we did not see even one officer visiting the area and checking the issues.

On the weekdays in the evening's road is totally dark as there is no lighting and besides I have seen people making illegitimate dealings on the road when it gets dark, it seems like a good spot to hide and complete tasks that others should not be aware of! However, this is a public road and the council doesn't do anything to make people safer using the road. It is a disgraceful state for the town and it is only minutes to walk and reach the A13 and passovers. Again the same issue there, no lighting, no cameras and no safety!

I am reporting this here hoping that it can gain more attention from the council and all residents in the area, we deserve better and action needs to be taken immediately to make the road safer for all to use with confidence.

The attached video shows the state of the road with mattresses being thrown to the road just as if it is a normal course of action, I heard that fly-tipping has become that easy here people with vans come from different areas and use this road to get rid of waste materials.

Enough seen till today and no action was seen from the council. Hopefully, my voice is heard!



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